Ethernet Access Direct (EAD)

01 Feb 2024

Ethernet Access Direct (EAD) gives you a point-to-point data connection between sites. You can use it to build and extend customer networks, develop new infrastructure and provide low-capacity backhaul. It can support cloud computing, simultaneous online pupil access in classrooms and storage area network connectivity.


What’s available?

Our EAD portfolio is made up of:

Variant Speed Local access Standard Extended reach
EAD 10 10Mbps Y Y Y*
EAD 100 100Mbps Y Y Y*
EAD 1000 1000Mbps Y Y Y*
EAD 10000 10Gbps Y Y N

Extend your reach

Our standard radial distance is up to 25km, with a maximum route distance of 40km. But we also have extended reach options with a radial distance of up to 45km and a maximum route distance of 86km. 


  • We offer competitive rental and contract terms.
  • Predictable pricing through fixed-fee excess construction charges on most orders.
  • You can add resilience which gives you a choice of protection against fibre breaks or any other problems.
  • All our EAD variants meet the security standards needed for government network bids (IL2).
  • Powerful diagnostics mean you can test your own circuits and get faster repairs.
  • We’re innovating and improving EAD for the future.

CAS(T) assurance

EAD is certified under the CESG Assured Service (CAS) scheme (Telecoms) (CAS(T)). This means that it conforms to industry good practice. While the CAS(T) scheme closed in January 2020, existing CAS(T) certificates are valid until they expire.

Secure area

Secure area

This information is only available to customers of this product.


Help and support

You can find information about using this site, advice on services and help with your account on our help and support pages.

Help and support videos 

We've created some videos of different EMP journeys using the customer verification facility (CVF). They can help: 

  1. get you on to the CVF if you’re not already using it – you can watch the video whenever you like, instead of having to schedule a phone call with us
  2. explain how to use the CVF to your technical people  
  3. train new people to use the EMP.

You can watch the videos on the EAD playlist on our YouTube channel.

Industry information

Are you interested in having a say in how the industry meets its customers’ needs? You can find out more about getting involved on our industry forum pages. 

You’ll need to be logged in to your Openreach account to see these. If you’re not registered yet, you can sign up.